ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
Subject: Social discussion of CS in K-12
List archive
38 mails
Chronological Thread << < page # 1/2 > >>
- 16/01/05
- [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Reese, George Clifford
- 16/01/11
- [Ctrl-Shift] FW: [IMTE] Teacher Shortage in Illinois, Reese, George Clifford
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] FW: [IMTE] Teacher Shortage in Illinois, Charles Schultz
- 16/01/12
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Charles Schultz
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Israel, Maya
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Charles Schultz
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Todd Lash
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Charles Schultz
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Pattsi Petrie
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Charles Schultz
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Bievenue, Lisa Anne
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Israel, Maya
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Todd Lash
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Charles Schultz
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Pattsi Petrie
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Steve Gardner
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Chuck Jackson
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Robert Stake
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Reese, George Clifford
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] FW: [IMTE] Teacher Shortage in Illinois, Reese, George Clifford
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Reese, George Clifford
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Katrina Kennett
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] At the Blind Pig, Chuck Jackson
- [Ctrl-Shift] new venue tonight: Barrelhouse34 at 6:30 PM, Reese, George Clifford
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] new venue tonight: Barrelhouse34 at 6:30 PM, Israel, Maya
- [Ctrl-Shift] EdCampCU, Katrina Kennett
- [Ctrl-Shift] barrelhouse 34 corner of Main and Walnut, Reese, George Clifford
- 16/01/13
- [Ctrl-Shift] great discussion last night, Reese, George Clifford
- [Ctrl-Shift] Obama Touts Computer Science Education in Final State of the Union Address, Reese, George Clifford
- 16/01/14
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