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ctrl-shift - Re: [Ctrl-Shift] Two sides to the "computer science" coin

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Subject: Social discussion of CS in K-12

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Re: [Ctrl-Shift] Two sides to the "computer science" coin

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Reese, George Clifford" <reese AT>
  • To: "'Kerris Lee'" <kerrislee28 AT>, "'Todd Lash'" <lashtodd AT>
  • Cc: "'ctrl-shift AT'" <ctrl-shift AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Ctrl-Shift] Two sides to the "computer science" coin
  • Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 19:33:34 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: Social discussion of CS in K-12 <>

I think the site for this is


From: ctrl-shift-bounces AT [mailto:ctrl-shift-bounces AT] On Behalf Of Kerris Lee
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:39 AM
To: Todd Lash
Cc: ctrl-shift AT
Subject: Re: [Ctrl-Shift] Two sides to the "computer science" coin


I agree...


Also, we can provide information about coding exercises without electronics i.e. working with kids on puzzles allows them to take something that's abstract and make it concrete/problem solve. 


Tips like this can help our students and parents that may not have the electronic resources to practice, but still helps build a fun learning environment.








On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Todd Lash <lashtodd AT> wrote:


No blogging yet, but that is a great idea!  I really like the idea behind the "​Exercism" coding site you referenced.  Making it more community based is fantastic and I think that there is no reason why the Scratch library couldn't move more in that direction.  It's great as a repository, but it could be so much more!


Best regards,







Todd Lash

Magnet Teaching Specialist/Instructional Coach

Kenwood Elementary School

1001 Stratford Dr. 

Champaign, IL 61821

Twitter:  @Todd_Lash


"If we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of tomorrow."  -John Dewey


From: AT < AT> on behalf of Charles Schultz <sacrophyte AT>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 8:37 AM
To: ctrl-shift AT
Subject: [Ctrl-Shift] Two sides to the "computer science" coin


Good morning,


As a quick tangent, does anyone ever blog/opine or otherwise summarize what awesome discussions you all have on Tuesday nights? I am totally missing out! :)



I have really been enjoying Todd Lash's tweets, highlighting various quotes from those around the net who have great insights into how kids learn. I also happen to follow, a news aggregator on some computer topics. Recently, there were two articles side-by-side that caught the attention of my "education attenae":



The first is significant because it falls in line with what you all have been talking about in regards to eToys, Scratch, Kodable,, etc. The featured website is a bit rough and has a little learning curve in and of itself, but the premise is very exciting, taking yet another step to bring the real world into the realm of education.


Why do I say "bring the real world into the realm of education"? Isn't that what "education" is supposed to do in the first place? The second article highlights how far astray our upper-level "education" has gone; here we have a PhD computer scientist who says, quote "The PhD was on a very technical topic that has very little practical application and so working on it does not seem to count as experience." Ouch.


I am excited about what CTRL-SHIFT is doing because you guys are transforming the fundamentals of education itself. At least, this is my belief - if you think otherwise, please let me know. *grin*


Travis, I really appreciated your "Why school sucks" paper. Hopefully, the fruits of your collective labor will transition school from sucking to school being essential, fun, immersive and life-changing.



One more last obersvation. I recently started playing around with svg in _javascript_ and HTML5. "Web programming" is getting more and more powerful, achieving a fine balance between robust features and ease of coding. So much so that I can now make the observation that coding in eToys/Scratch is almost like coding in HTML - there are but a few small steps between the two. Very exciting! :)



Charles Schultz

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