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ctrl-shift - Re: [Ctrl-Shift] food for thought: The Academy

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Subject: Social discussion of CS in K-12

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Re: [Ctrl-Shift] food for thought: The Academy

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Reese, George Clifford" <reese AT>
  • To: Pattsi Petrie <pattsi2 AT>, Charles Schultz <sacrophyte AT>
  • Cc: "ctrl-shift AT" <ctrl-shift AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Ctrl-Shift] food for thought: The Academy
  • Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 13:44:59 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: Social discussion of CS in K-12 <>

I attended the meeting at 12 for about five minutes. I didn’t want to hear it, honestly. I start to see red. That very last thing I think we need in this community is another private school to reinforce segregation.

Uni does enough, really too much, taking from the public schools.





From: AT [ AT] On Behalf Of Pattsi Petrie
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 2:51 PM
To: Charles Schultz
Cc: ctrl-shift AT
Subject: Re: [Ctrl-Shift] food for thought: The Academy


Folks, what about the recent research findings related to the resegregation of K-12 education and the fact, which urban planners have known for decades, that zoning reinforces segregation and the resegregation issues.

Why is no more public dialogue happening in this community about the above?



On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 2:10 PM, Charles Schultz <sacrophyte AT> wrote:

I took some time to attend the noon presentation of The Academy today. For all intents and purposes, this is just an extension of local Montessori programs, projected for a high school (IMO). Has lots of recycled jargon from Montessori and Reggio Emilia.


In fact, for those that have either read the book or watched the screening of Dintersmith/Wagner's "Most Likely To Succeed", some of the talking points were exactly the same ("industrialized" idea of lecture and drill straight out of 1800's Prussia).


What was intersting to me is that several times, and on several slides, the HeadsUp Educational Consultants used the idea of "shifting" teachers and students into a 21st Century mindset. Congratulations to CTRL-Shift, you beat them to the punch! :)


I have more thoughts on the matter, but wanted to leave room for others that attended (or will attend later tonight).


Charles Schultz

Ctrl-Shift mailing list
Ctrl-Shift AT


Pattsi Petrie, PhD, FAICP
P2 Consulting
Champaign County Board, Chair , district 6,
Retired, Department of Urban and Regional Planning/DURP
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/UIUC
<mailto:pattsi AT>

College of Fellows, American Institute of Certified Planners

Professional Education and Outreach Programs
Past Chair APA Planning Women Division  

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