ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
Subject: Social discussion of CS in K-12
List archive
- From: "Wolske, Martin B" <mwolske AT illinois.edu>
- To: "ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu" <ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu>
- Subject: [Ctrl-Shift] Road trip to Boston?? Or why we should meet at Quality tonight!
- Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 15:36:33 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
- List-archive: <http://lists.mste.illinois.edu/pipermail/ctrl-shift>
- List-id: Social discussion of CS in K-12 <ctrl-shift.lists.mste.illinois.edu>
Alas, while a pub run to Boston would be ideal, I have the Campus Award for Excellence in Public Engagement (CAEPE) awards reception to attend late afternoon (Jeff Ginger, an occasional CTRL-Shifter, will be recognized for as a recipient of the public
engagement student fellow grant — yay, Jeff). I also plan to attend the city council study session that’ll start around 7:30 or so. So I plan instead to be at Quality from 6:23 until 7:31 if anyone wants to join me there instead of making the road trip to
— Martin
On Apr 14, 2015, at 5:59 AM, Reese, George Clifford <reese AT illinois.edu> wrote:
I am in Boston this week for the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Conference and today I am going to visit the Neighborhood House Charter School. I look forward to talking with you all next week.
However, I won’t be able to join a gathering if you choose to get together.
See you next week!
George Reese
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (MSTE)
505 East Green St.
Suite 102Champaign, IL 61820
Ctrl-Shift mailing list
Ctrl-Shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
- [Ctrl-Shift] In Boston, Reese, George Clifford, 04/14/2015
- [Ctrl-Shift] Road trip to Boston?? Or why we should meet at Quality tonight!, Wolske, Martin B, 04/14/2015
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