Sparking Interest in Smart Grid Stuff
Jana Sebestik, Assistant Director of STEM Curriculum Design, University of Illinois
Friday, February 6, 2015 at 1PM (Central Time)
NCSA Auditorium, University of Illinois | Webcast
Live Webcast Option: interactive WebEx to support Q&A
Live Streaming Option: non-interactive; requires Quicktime
Will be activated at time of webcast.
Securing a smarter grid of the future involves an engaged and informed society. Join us for a showcase on how TCIPG
sparks interest in the smart grid – at all ages and levels of engagement – and the
impact of these efforts on smart grid awareness, education, research, and workforce development. Discover outreach tools, resources, and training programs that empower YOU to increase awareness, educate stakeholders, and
actively contribute to smart grid security and resiliency. We will also highlight plans for our
2015 Summer School program.
Jana Sebestik is the Assistant Director for STEM Curriculum Design in the Office for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (MSTE) in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She
coordinates TCIPG education efforts to develop a variety of educational opportunities designed to engage learners of all ages. She is the author of the 4-H SET curriculum “The Power of the Wind.” She taught in the Urbana School District for 34 years before
coming to MSTE.
About the TCIPG Seminar Series:
The monthly TCIPG Seminar Series on Technologies for a Resilient Power Grid presents speakers who are experts on topics in the broad area of research, development, and design for
secure and resilient systems related to the power grid. The scope includes all power grid systems, from traditional systems involved in generation, transmission, and distribution to emerging systems dealing with distributed generation, renewable integration,
and demand-response.
The seminar series is presented by the Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) Project, an $18 million multi-university research effort whose partner institutions
include Dartmouth, Illinois, UC Davis, and Washington State University. The TCIPG Project, a successor to the earlier NSF-funded TCIP Center, was founded in 2009 with support from the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
It is housed in the Information Trust Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
For more information or for a complete seminar schedule, visit
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