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ctrl-shift - Re: [Ctrl-Shift] Fab Lab Open House

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Subject: Social discussion of CS in K-12

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Re: [Ctrl-Shift] Fab Lab Open House

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Bievenue, Lisa Anne" <bievenue AT>
  • To: "Bievenue, Lisa Anne" <bievenue AT>, "ctrl-shift AT" <ctrl-shift AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Ctrl-Shift] Fab Lab Open House
  • Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 18:21:14 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: Social discussion of CS in K-12 <>

I should have included where the Fab Lab is!


1301 S. Goodwin near the ACES library (the south extension of Goodwin).



From: ctrl-shift-bounces AT [mailto:ctrl-shift-bounces AT] On Behalf Of Bievenue, Lisa Anne
Sent: Monday, February 2, 2015 12:16 PM
To: ctrl-shift AT
Subject: [Ctrl-Shift] Fab Lab Open House


This is shaping up to be a pretty exciting week with Jana’s talk, and the Fab Lab Open House on Friday:


Please consider yourself personally invited to the Fab Lab Open House,  Feb 6th - 4-6pm!  As you might know, the lab has undergone a lot of changes lately - new people, many grants, space upgrades, additional gadgets and more. Please join us for some free food, neat demos and a chance to meet many other makers and stakeholders in our network.

Immediately following the official open house we're having an informal 'maker mixer' session. This will just be a chance to talk and share ideas, as well as a sort of show-and-tell session for projects and tables by some of our local entrepreneurs and hobbyists. If you know anyone who might have something to share, you can pass them my email.

The event is also open-invite - tell whoever you like!


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