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Subject: Social discussion of CS in K-12

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[Ctrl-Shift] CTRL+shift websitebios

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Travis Faust <tnfaust AT>
  • To: "<ctrl-shift AT>" <ctrl-shift AT>
  • Subject: [Ctrl-Shift] CTRL+shift websitebios
  • Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:45:43 -0500
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: Social discussion of CS in K-12 <>

We're getting our CTRL+shift website into gear, and one of our first content objectives is to get one-paragraph bio-blurbs from everyone.  Please reply with your name as you'd like it to appear on the "About Us" page and your bio, and I'll get it up on there.

Also, for our resources page, please send me any links/files you'd like to have included - videos, presentations, instructional materials, or other projects you've worked on that relate to the CTRL+shift mission.

Thanks to everyone who's already done this!  (We had a few go up early so we could make sure we got a workable format.)

Travis Faust
tnfaust AT
(847) 461-8728

  • [Ctrl-Shift] CTRL+shift websitebios, Travis Faust, 10/28/2014

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