ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
Subject: Social discussion of CS in K-12
List archive
- From: Todd Lash <lashtodd AT champaignschools.org>
- To: "Reese, George Clifford" <reese AT illinois.edu>, "ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu" <ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu>
- Subject: Re: [Ctrl-Shift] inspirational letter from the Peru, IL superintendent
- Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 15:56:16 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
- List-archive: <https://lists.mste.illinois.edu/private/ctrl-shift>
- List-id: Social discussion of CS in K-12 <ctrl-shift.lists.mste.illinois.edu>
Thanks for sending this George. In my opinion this is a very "centrist"
position that the superintendent is taking, though I would imagine many
others would not see it that way. I would love to know the backstory (if
any) behind this being circulated. It is, I believe, not inconsequential
that it is coming from a very small district and thus, what is most probably
a rather homogeneous demographic relative to a larger system like CPS or even
Unit Four, where we would find a presumably greater divergence in viewpoints
and political pressures. Nonetheless, it is very refreshing.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend,
Todd Lash
Magnet Teaching Specialist/Instructional Coach
Kenwood Elementary School
1001 Stratford Dr.
Champaign, IL 61821
Twitter: @Todd_Lash
The Kenwood Tech Story
"If we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of
tomorrow." -John Dewey
ctrl-shift-bounces AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
<ctrl-shift-bounces AT lists.mste.illinois.edu>
on behalf of Reese, George Clifford
<reese AT illinois.edu>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 3:57 PM
ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
Subject: [Ctrl-Shift] inspirational letter from the Peru, IL superintendent
George Reese
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (MSTE)
505 East Green St.
Suite 102
Champaign, IL 61820
Ctrl-Shift mailing list
Ctrl-Shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
- [Ctrl-Shift] inspirational letter from the Peru, IL superintendent, Reese, George Clifford, 09/12/2014
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] inspirational letter from the Peru, IL superintendent, Avigail Snir, 09/12/2014
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] inspirational letter from the Peru, IL superintendent, Todd Lash, 09/13/2014
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] inspirational letter from the Peru, IL superintendent, Cathy Murphy, 09/13/2014
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] inspirational letter from the Peru, IL superintendent, Reese, George Clifford, 09/15/2014
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] inspirational letter from the Peru, IL superintendent, Smith, Kathleen Rapp, 09/15/2014
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] inspirational letter from the Peru, IL superintendent, Reese, George Clifford, 09/15/2014
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] inspirational letter from the Peru, IL superintendent, Smith, Kathleen Rapp, 09/15/2014
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