ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
Subject: Social discussion of CS in K-12
List archive
- From: Todd Lash <lashtodd AT champaignschools.org>
- To: George Reese <reese AT illinois.edu>, "ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu" <ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu>
- Subject: Re: [Ctrl-Shift] Cowboy Monkey at 6 PM
- Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 20:09:26 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
- Authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ) smtp.mailfrom=lashtodd AT champaignschools.org;
- List-archive: <https://lists.mste.illinois.edu/private/ctrl-shift>
- List-id: Social discussion of CS in K-12 <ctrl-shift.lists.mste.illinois.edu>
See everyone soon.
Todd Lash
Kenwood Elementary School
1001 Stratford Dr.
Champaign, IL 61821
The Kenwood Tech Story
"We live in a participatory culture. Technology is not transformative.
Teaching and pedagogies are transformative. Technology is just a means to
that end. We've got to teach our kids to think outside the box, to celebrate
unique thinking and unexpected results." --Ewan McIntosh
ctrl-shift-bounces+lashtodd=champaignschools.org AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
<ctrl-shift-bounces+lashtodd=champaignschools.org AT lists.mste.illinois.edu>
on behalf of George Reese
<reese AT illinois.edu>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 1:57 PM
ctrl-shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
Subject: [Ctrl-Shift] Cowboy Monkey at 6 PM
Forecast for this afternoon/evening is 35% chance of isolated thunderstorms
at 5PM, but just overcast after that. So, I'll be at Cowboy Monkey at 6 PM.
Whoever can make it, see your there then. :)
George Reese
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (MSTE)
505 East Green St.
Suite 102
Champaign, IL 61820
Ctrl-Shift mailing list
Ctrl-Shift AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
- [Ctrl-Shift] Cowboy Monkey at 6 PM, George Reese, 06/19/2014
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] Cowboy Monkey at 6 PM, Kerris Lee, 06/19/2014
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] Cowboy Monkey at 6 PM, Todd Lash, 06/19/2014
- Re: [Ctrl-Shift] Cowboy Monkey at 6 PM, Mike Royse, 06/19/2014
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