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Subject: Social discussion of CS in K-12
List archive
- From: "Wolske, Martin B" <mwolske AT illinois.edu>
- To: "Reese, George Clifford" <reese AT illinois.edu>
- Cc: "<csPiggers AT lists.mste.illinois.edu>" <csPiggers AT lists.mste.illinois.edu>
- Subject: Re: [csPiggers] See you at the Quality tonight at 6 PM.
- Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 18:28:03 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
- List-archive: <https://lists.mste.illinois.edu/private/cspiggers>
- List-id: Social discussion of CS in K-12 <cspiggers.lists.mste.illinois.edu>
I'm planning on being here, although my wife questions my going out drinking
instead of attending Maundy Thursday services :-O She just doesn't appreciate
alternative work venues the way we do..
On Apr 17, 2014, at 11:38 AM, George Reese
> Dear CSpigger Group,
> I'll be at the Quality tonight for our usual social. There are a couple
> agenda items.
> First up, we should change the name. We're not meeting at the Blind Pig and
> the joke is a bit stale. On the other hand, I don't want us to have much
> angst over it. So, if you have an idea for a serious or semi-serious name
> that conveys the joy of life-long learners moving into the computational
> thinking domain as a community, we'll go with that. Bring your thoughts.
> Also, we should update each other on all that has been going on in Kenwood
> (LOTS!) these past few days. There's the Shatterglass B-roll, the Hangouts
> with Brazil, research observations, and much that I'm leaving out, ....but
> many things to share an celebrate.
> So, see you there!
> George
> George Reese
> Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (MSTE)
> 505 East Green St.
> Suite 102
> Champaign, IL 61820
> 217-333-6604
> _______________________________________________
> Cspiggers mailing list
> Cspiggers AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
> https://lists.mste.illinois.edu/listinfo/cspiggers
- [csPiggers] See you at the Quality tonight at 6 PM., George Reese, 04/17/2014
- Re: [csPiggers] See you at the Quality tonight at 6 PM., David Hohman, 04/17/2014
- Re: [csPiggers] See you at the Quality tonight at 6 PM., Mike Royse, 04/17/2014
- Re: [csPiggers] See you at the Quality tonight at 6 PM., Wolske, Martin B, 04/17/2014
- Re: [csPiggers] See you at the Quality tonight at 6 PM., Israel, Maya, 04/17/2014
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