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Subject: Social discussion of CS in K-12
List archive
- From: Todd Lash <lashtodd AT champaignschools.org>
- To: George Reese <reese AT illinois.edu>, "csPiggers AT lists.mste.illinois.edu" <csPiggers AT lists.mste.illinois.edu>
- Subject: Re: [csPiggers] 5:30 at the Quality Bar
- Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 17:03:20 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
- List-archive: <https://lists.mste.illinois.edu/private/cspiggers>
- List-id: Social discussion of CS in K-12 <cspiggers.lists.mste.illinois.edu>
Looks like I will miss tonight in lieu of my son's school musical...unless
Mike agrees to sing for us the whole time, in which case I will skip the
family thing.
See everyone next week,
Todd Lash
Kenwood Elementary School
1001 Stratford Dr.
Champaign, IL 61821
"Todo tu tiempo es libre." Unknown
cspiggers-bounces AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
<cspiggers-bounces AT lists.mste.illinois.edu>
on behalf of George Reese
<reese AT illinois.edu>
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 10:00 AM
csPiggers AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
Subject: [csPiggers] 5:30 at the Quality Bar
Dear CSpiggers,
I'll be at the Quality a little early tonight (5:30) because I plan to leave
at 6:45 to go to Foellinger and catch a bit of the talk by Edward Tufte.
Tufte is the author of books on the visual display of information.
George Reese
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (MSTE)
505 East Green St.
Suite 102
Champaign, IL 61820
Cspiggers mailing list
Cspiggers AT lists.mste.illinois.edu
- [csPiggers] 5:30 at the Quality Bar, George Reese, 04/10/2014
- Re: [csPiggers] 5:30 at the Quality Bar, Todd Lash, 04/10/2014
- Re: [csPiggers] 5:30 at the Quality Bar, Mike Royse, 04/10/2014
- Re: [csPiggers] 5:30 at the Quality Bar, Todd Lash, 04/10/2014
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