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Subject: Social discussion of CS in K-12
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- From: "Wolske, Martin B" <mwolske AT illinois.edu>
- To: "csPiggers AT lists.mste.illinois.edu" <csPiggers AT lists.mste.illinois.edu>
- Subject: [csPiggers] Fwd: Intel Computer Board give away
- Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 21:16:12 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
- List-archive: <https://lists.mste.illinois.edu/private/cspiggers>
- List-id: Social discussion of CS in K-12 <cspiggers.lists.mste.illinois.edu>
Hi all,
I'm going to try to make it for at least a short while tonight. Two things to add to the agenda if I might, perhaps both related to the ITEST proposal in part.
First, we are preparing a proposal submission to the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) that will focus on advancing librarian leadership of STEM (or more precisely STEAM -- adding arts which IMLS is championing) learning environments using
our local school and public libraries as a pilot. Perhaps we could link these two grant proposals to demonstrate broader collaboration and impact.
Second, I attended the Sustainable Electronics Institute consortium meeting (actually we hosted) yesterday. We spoke some about Kenwood and the Demystifying Tech workshops as an example of a sustainable electronics project. In a related thread at the meeting
Raspberry Pi's came up as a topic. I suggested that if we had funds we might like to experiment with having a workshop with upper level Kenwood students and their parents on the RPi and send home RPi's with them at the end instead of desktops. They referenced
the RFP below which I'll send along when Nancy sends it to me. This might also be a good pilot for STEAM that extends beyond formal training of students to also include parents as part of bridging the home/school divide and bringing parents on as collaborators.
-- Martin
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Holm, Nancy L" <naholm AT illinois.edu>
Subject: RE: Intel Computer Board give away
Date: January 15, 2014 2:53:36 PM CST
To: "Wolske, Martin B" <mwolske AT illinois.edu>, "Bullock, William C" <wbullock AT illinois.edu>
Cc: "Scrogum, Joy Joann" <jscrogum AT illinois.edu>, "Barnes, Laura L" <l-barnes AT illinois.edu>
Martin: I will have a limited RFP for sustainable electronics projects only for FY14. I will send you guidelines on that tomorrow or Fri. I think your proposed project fits well with this. We will have a larger RFP for FY15 for sustainable electronics and other topics in the next couple months.NancyNancy HolmAssistant Director for Sponsored Research,Public Engagement, and CommunicationsIL Sustainable Technology CenterPrairie Research InstituteUniversity of IL at Urbana-ChampaignOne E. Hazelwood Dr.Champaign, IL 61820217-244-3330
- [csPiggers] Fwd: Intel Computer Board give away, Wolske, Martin B, 01/15/2014
- Re: [csPiggers] Intel Computer Board give away, Todd Lash, 01/15/2014
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